From History of Texas Published in 1896

There issomething in the life of every self-made man that excites admiration and respect, for those qualities which can overcome difficulties and obstacles and press forward to succeed are worthy the highest commendation and furnish an example that is indeed worthy of emulation. Our subject is a man of this type, and his fellow citizens, appreciating his worth and ability, have honored him with the office of county clerk, in which capacity he is now acceptably serving.

Mr. Jackson was born in Polk County, ArkansasJune 8, 1851,being a son of Philip and Abiah (Barker) Jackson, the former a native of Virginia and the latter of Indiana. They were early settlers of western Arkansas, and there the father followed farming and stock-raising until his death, which occurred in 1860. He left a widow and eight children, six of whom are yet living. Philip was sixteen years of age when the family left the state of his nativity and emigrated to Hood County, Texas, making the journey in a wagon drawn by oxen. They located on the Abbey farm on the east side of the Brazos River, where for a year they lived ina rude log cabin without chimney or floor. The children and mother worked hard and succeeded in raising a good crop that season. The next year they rented land from John Cavasas, a Mexican, -the place now owned by J.H. Allison, near the Barnard Knob. After three years’ residence in Texas the mother died, and the home was then broken up, the children starting out to take care of themselves as well they could. It was a hard lot, for, with no inheritance whatever, they were dependent entirely upon their own resources.

Mr. Jackson, of this review, was additionally afflicted, for in his youth he had suffered from “white swelling” in his left knee, which ultimately necessitated the amputation of the leg. He at once sought employment in the neighborhood and worked at whatever he could get to do. His meager educational advantages were such as he could secure for himself by saving money from his earnings and meeting the necessary expenses while in the public schools. By private reading and study, however, he has become a well-informed man, having a good practical education which well fits him for life’s responsible duties. When he had fitted himself for school-teaching he entered upon that profession, which he successfully followed for ten years, winning a reputation as one of the most capable educators in the country.

Upon the organization of Somervell County (said county having been cut off from Hood County), Mr.Jackson was cut off in said Somervell County, and at the first election for county officers he was elected tax assessor, serving one term, and didnot offer for re-election but returned to his former profession, school-teaching. In 1880 he moved to Erath County where, in April, 1884, he married Miss Sarah Jane Worley, a native of Georgia, by whom he has five children, as follows: Ethel, May, Zella, Roy and Vada.

In 1885, he moved to village of Paluxy in Hood County, where he embarked in the mercantile business, in partnership with his brother, H.C. Jackson, under the firm name of Jackson Brothers, which connection was continued for five years, and during that time they enjoyed lucrative patronage. He is now the owner of a one-hundred-and-sixty-acre farm, about two miles north of Granbury, where he resides, and to its cultivation he gives his personal supervision. He also owns three hundred and fifty acres in Erath County, a mile and a half west of Bluff Dale, of which one hundred and seventy five acres are under cultivation. This property yieldshim a good income.

Socially Mr. Jackson is a member of Granbury Lodge, No. 392, A.F. & A.M. In politics he is a Democrat, and keeps himself well informed upon all public questions and takes an interest in educational and all other matters pertaining to the public welfare.

In 1890 he was elected to his present position as County Clerk of Hood County, and has been twice re-elected, so that he is now serving his sixth year. His three elections are the best evidence that could be given of his faithful and honest discharge of the duties devolving upon him, and his fellow citizens have the utmost confidence in him, a trust that has never been betrayed. The years of his hardships are now past. A man of less resolute spirit would have given way under the difficulties that he has encountered, but his energy and perseverance triumphed over these and to-day he is enjoying the fruits of his former labor in the possession of much valuable and productive land and the confidence and respect of all who know him.


History of Texas, 1896, Chicago: The Lewis Publishing Co.

~ Web Page by Jo Ann Hopper ~