by Ethel Baker

Written for Gamma Zeta Chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma

Sallie Alford Peveler was one of the pioneer teachers of Hood County, Texas.

She was born in Bowie County, May 4, 1850. Her family, the Alfords, were pioneer settlers of Fort Worth, Texas. She was the last survivor of seven girls and four boys.

She received her literary and musical education from private schools in Fort Worth. She was an accomplished musician.

In 1870 Sallie Alford married Mr. L.P. Peveler, and they moved to Hood County, settling in Peveler Valley, near Granbury. Her household goods were moved from Fort Worth to Peveler Valley in a wagon.

Their home became the social center of the community. Her life was a rich one, and around the old square piano, shipped from New Orleans by ox team, the neighbors found recreation and happiness.

At the age of 32 Mrs. Peveler was left a widow with six children.

After the death of her husband, Mrs. Peveler taught in the Fair View School, which was then located on the place where she was later buried.

When she taught, it was before teachers were required to have certificates.

Fair View was a one-teacher school; she took five of her children with her, the oldest, a boy of ten; one, a babe in arms, born three weeks after his father’s death. One of the daughters stayed in Fort Worth with her grandparents.

Mrs. Peveler swept the schoolroom floor with a broom, made from broom weeds, and built the fires in a wood burning stove.

The boy who was ten at the time, remembers helping his mother gather sticks and chunks to burn; although sometime the patrons would cut and haul wood for the school.

After preparing the lunches, she drove her children to school in a two-horse wagon.

When the family returned home at the end of the school day, Mrs. Peveler would help the children do the chores on the farm. There was a fireplace in the home, and kerosene lamps were used.

Mrs. Peveler was loved by her pupils, and they brought flowers for her desk and also those to be set out in the ground.

She was instrumental in the building of the Fair View Methodist Church.

She believed in teaching children early the lessons of honesty and integrity. The son who was too young to go to school remembers that the lady with whom he was staying gave him a cow bell to play with. He put it around his neck and took it home. When he met his mother, she required an explanation as to where the bell came from. She spanked him and sent him back with the bell. He remembers that never again did he take something that did not belong to him. She required obedience of her children as well as of her pupils.

She was a great reader, had a wonderful memory, was always interested in civic affairs and world progress. She loved company, and her house was always full of visitors.

At the age of 90 she played fast music at the Hood County Reunion – formerly Confederate Reunion – in Granbury. After her performance she remarked that her fingers were getting stiff.

She didn’t complain about anything, met life cheerfully, and had a keen sense of humor.

Mrs. Peveler died at the age of 91, loved and admired by many friends. She remained active and mentally alert until her death. She was buried on Easter Sunday, 1940. At her request the funeral was conducted at the Fair View Church, which she organized.

Fort Worth Star Telegram
Granbury News
Mrs. M.D. Paschall, Daughter – Fort Worth, TX
Mr. L.A. Peveler, Son – Granbury, Texas
Mr. Lewis Peveler, Son – Granbury, Texas