Transcribed by: By R.M. Knebel

(As they are bound in the book, not chronologically)
From 20 July 1923 to 11 Apr 1940
 By R.M. Knebel
 04 Feb 1993
Miscellaneous loose sheets and documents:
     26 Jun 1930: Contract between GRANBURY MUNICIPAL LIGHT AND WATER PLANT and Granbury Reunion Assoc. to supply 15 KW.

     10 Nov 1952: Cleburne TX, news item re: Lone Star Gas rates.

     27 Aug 1900: Surveyor description, Granbury city limits.

     25 May 1914: Extension of above limits.

     5 Nov 1935: Granbury accepts TITLE 28 REVISED CIVIL STATUTES

     - -    1929: Proposal to sell Granbury's city-owned water works and electric generating plant to TEXAS-LOUISIANA POWER CO.

     C. 01 Jan 1952: Lone Star Gas applies for a rate increase.

     C. Jun 1930: Approx. 300 subscriber names to THE GRANBURY MUNI. WATER AND LIGHT (or LIGHT AND WATER) PLANT. L.B. Hiner listed.

     C. Jul 1923: Rates set for services of MUNI. WATER AND LIGHT PLANT

End of misc. sheets. Begin numbered pages. 

Page & Date    
1, 20 Jul 1923: Council OKs ML&W bills (this becomes routine).

2, 11 Aug  "  : Tax rate set for repayment of $47,000 & $28,000 bonds, respectively, for water and ele. light 
PLANT, and OKs routine payment of PLANT bills.

6, 11 Sep  "  : Foundations at PLANT ready for engines & tank.

8, 20  "   "  : PLANT waste contract with Henry Holland.

10, 5 Oct  "  : Long list of PLANT bills to be paid out of water and light (bond) fund. This becomes meeting a 

11, 17 "   "  : Ditto, includes a $6880.00 engine.

17, 10 Dec "  : Ele. rates lowered.
    1Š18, 27 "   "  : $8534.00 for Fairbanks-Morse supplies for PLANT

21, 15 Jan 1924: Chief PLANT engineer hired @ $100/mo.

24, 27 Feb  "  : $2135.47 in taxes collected in 1923 for ele. light bonds

28, 8 May  "   : Ele. rates set for motors, stoves, & wtr. heat.

33, 13 Oct "   : Taxes set to establish PLANT bond sinking fund.

39, -  -  1924 : Tax collector reports that in 1923 $3769.22 & $2404.61 taken in for wtr. & light bond repayment

43, 10 Apr 1925: Election returns. Among winners: Mrs. Neil Hiner

46, 13 Jul  "  : Water rate set

49, 21 Sep  "  :   "    "   re-set

50, 9 Oct  "   : Tax rates for PLANT bond retirement. Tax collector's report for prior year $3826.7° 
¦ 
               $2398.05 toward wtr. & ele. bond retirement.

59, 22 Sep 1926: Tax rates set for PLANT bond retirement

61, 22 Feb 1927: Houston St. bridge repair

63, -   -   -  : $3685.19 & $2284.05 collected in taxes toward wtr. & light PLANT bond retirement

65, 25 Apr  "  : A.F. Larned hired @ $100/mo. PLANT mgr. (a politician on the rise).

66, 9 May   "  : A.F. Larned now sec. of city council

67, 27 Jun  "  : Shanley bldg. falling down.

73, 31 Oct  "  : TEXAS-LOUISIANA POWER & LIGHT CO. offers to buy PLANT. Council to let voters decide.

76, 30 Jan 1928: A.F. Larned now fire chief. Council donates $200 for a cemetery "saxton" (sexton,or, grave
digger) out of PLANT fund.

77,27 Feb  "   : A.F. Larned promoted from fire chief to fire marshall.

81, 14 May     : A.F. Larned now city secretary. Meeting minutes very brief and not informative.

94, 15 Apr 1929: Minutes now 1/3 to 1/2 as long as before. Poor details. New mayor elected.

95, 29 Apr  "  : A.F. Larned resigns as PLANT mgr, city sec, and fire marshall. End of politician.

98, 28 May  "   : New plant ENGINE @ $14,034.00.

99-10² µ Jun¢   º COMMUNITY NATURAL GAS CO granted  25-yr franchise to furnish gas to Gby for the first time. 
 Consumer to pay $0.20/100° cu.ft® for 1st 70° cu.
 then $0.75/1000 cu.ft. thereafter.

104, 24 Jun "  : Council decides to hold election to sell PLANT.

110, 15 Aug "  : LOUISIANA LIGHT & POWER now offers $100,000 for both PLANTS and agrees to rates; calls city incompetent.

132, 16 Aug "  : J.L. Brooks of Birdwell, TX, to drill a PLANT well for $350.00.

135, 30 Sep "  : Voters defeat sale of "GRANBURY MUNICIPAL WATER AND LIGHT PLANT" by 144 to 116.

155, 26 Feb 1930: 180 HP diesel electric generating set to be installed by Fairbanks-Morse.

171, Sept 1930: PLANT financial and operating detailed report for the month: took in $1309.71. First in a series of monthly statistical operating data.

172, 6 Oct "  : Tanks for 500 bbl. fuel storage for PLANT OKd.           

180, 29 Jun 1931: Mr. Zwiefel asks for a back tax reduction on Gby. MILLING CO. and got it all removed.

182, 2 Feb "  : List of all Gby fire dept. members.

212, 19 Mar 1932: List of people running for city office.

213, -  -    -  : List of out-of-town people. Reason?            

214, -  -    -  :  "   "  firemen (and prob. poll tax list).

243, 30 Jan 1933: Council decides on handling fed. aid money.

274, 24 Apr  "  : City officers elected.

284, 30 Jun  "  : MUNI. ENGR. CO, Dallas, bids cost plus to construct sewer & wtr. improvements under NRA (the National Recovery Act. Work to be done by WPA 
(the Works Progress Administration) Page 394.
294, 1 Jul  "  : $40.000 in revenue bonds to pay for above.

320, 30 Oct 1933: Citizens sign agrmt. to comply with hwy. dept.

326, 1 Mar 1934 : List of people running for city office.

343, 12 Apr  "  :  "   "    "    elected  "   "     "

350, 26 Jun  "  : PLANT well to be drilled to 200 feet.

370, 21 Jan 1935: City begins to think about cheaper electricity from hydro-electric (future) Brazos River dams.

377, C. 4 Mar " : People file for city election

378, 1 Apr   "  :   "    elected to city offices

385, 4 Jun   "  : ele. rates set

386, "  "    "  : Decision to pave downtown and Houston and Crockett streets to depot.

413, C. 5 Dec"  : List of real estate owned by city of Gby

414-427 Missing

427A-464, 1 Oct 1935: Sewer project documents  

504, 27 Feb 1936: Still working on sewer problem

527, 17 Mar  "  : "      "      "   "      "

549, "  "    "  : List of city officers

557, "  "    "  : Still in the sewer

558, -  -    -  : Sewer plant grounds

566, 17 Mar  "  : Still in sewer

577, 11 May  "  :   "

578, 11 Jun  "  : City officers.

589,590,591, 16 Jun 1936: City officers past & present

613, 1 Dec   "  : Sewer

623, 2 Mar 1937 : Poll tax list

629, 12 Mar  "  : Maybe sewer entries finally over. What an involvement in government red tape. It dominated!
638, - May 1937 : Peddlers ordinance

653, 7 Apr 1939 : City officers

656, 25 "   "   : Sale of PLANT water to Santa Fe RR.

657, 30 "   "   : Financial and PLANT operation rept. for Apr. shows income from water and electric service;
cost of and hours run for 3 engines. Santa Fe used 1,516,000 (gals.) wtr.

660, 8 May  "  : Water rate set. New well pumps cost $1541.00 & $807.00. Pages 673-74.

666, 20 "   "  : Financial rept

668, 26 May "  : Well drilling contract @ $1.75/ft; depth open ended.

670, 30 Jun "  : Fin. Rept.

676, 30 Jul "  "  "    "

681, 31 Aug "  "  "    " 

689, 30 Sep  "  "  "    "

693, 31 Oct  "  "  "    "

696, 13 Nov  "  : Considering extending ele. service to Thorp Sp

697, 30 Nov  "  : Fin. rept.

701, 30 Dec  "  "  "    "

705, 30 Jan 1940  "  "    "

707, 12 Feb  "  :Install traffic light @ Pearl and Morgan. Cemetery lots selling for $20 ea.

710, 28 Feb  "  : Considering drilling well on J.A. Overton land

711, 29 Feb  "  : Fin. Rept. Also, list of people running for city office.

716, 30 Mar  "  : Fin Rept.

718, 8 Apr   "  : Vote talley in city election

720, 30 Apr  "  : Fin. Rept.

723, 11 Apr  "  : Winners in city election
725, 30 Apr 1938: Fin. Rept. BEGIN A SERIES OF OUT-OF-PLACE DATES.

728-730, 17 May ": City wants to get rid of privy vaults; install SW Bell phone system

731, 30 May   " : Fin Rept.

735, "  Jun   " :  "   "

739-746, 14 Mar":  New electric bonds @ $59,000 to cancel old debt.

747, 11 Jul "   : "Oil Mill" mentioned

748, 30 Jul "   : Fin. Rept.

752, 1 Sept "   : Fin. Rept.

755, 12 Sep "   : To sell water to Santa Fe RR @ $.10/1000 gal/mo

756, 30 Sep "   : Fin. Rept.

759¬ 1° Oct ¢   º Mention Girls NYA (National Youth Admin.).

760, 31 Oct "   : Fin. Rept.

762, 14 Nov "   : WPA to pave the "Public Square".

763, "  "   "   : Need new 150 HP diesel Fairbanks-Morse engine to replace the old 100 HP diesel

764, 30 "   "   : Fin. Rept.

767, 12 Dec "   : J.L. Maloney to be NYA foreman

783, 31 "   "   : Fin. Rept.

785, 14 Feb 1938: Dairies to comply with health standards

787, 28 "    "  : Fin. Rept.

790, 2 Mar   "  : People running for city office

793, 30 Mar  "  : Fin. Rept. & operating stats on PLANT

799, 6 Jul 1937 : Fin Rept

800, 12 "   "   : Light & Water Plant to buy one $75.00 gov't. baby bond/mo. and place in emergency/dept. fund.

801, 9 Aug  "   : Fin Rept
805, 13 Sep "   :  "   "

809, 30 Oct "   :  "   "

814, 7 Dec  "   : City in default on interest and principal payments on $59,000 of Water Works and Electric Light bonds issued 10 Apr 1923. Will issue 41/2% Refunding Bonds instead of increasing taxes.

817, - Nov  "   : Fin Rept.

820, - Dec  "   : Fin Rept.

827, 31 Jan 1938: Financial Report.

829, 24 Feb  "  : R.R. Miller of Miller Ice Co. wants 1932 tax refund.