Contributed by Tim Sears
This copy of the LIPAN LIVE-WIRE was in the possession of Jewel Tolbert Seymour at the time of her death. It is now in the possession of E. J. and Frances Seymour. The name of Neil Tolbert is handwritten at the top of the paper. Mrs. Neil Tolbert was the sister of Will Gregory whose obituary is included in the paper. Transcriptions were completed by Tim Sears on December 23, 1998.
Vol. II No. 4
Lipan, Texas
Friday, February 12, 1915
By Jas. L. Power
The weekly newspaper promotes the interests of the town in which itis published to such an extent that it becomes impossible to place an estimate upon its worth. There is no enterprise that does so much for the corporation or the individual citizen as the paper. It stands opposed to the town knocker, the town kicker, the town fanatic and the town drones. It stands for action against dry rot. It stands for progress as against stagnation. It is ever ready to combat the schemes of visionaries as ready to aid the constructive plans of the wise and level headed citizens. It is for the upbuilding of the community. The paper has not yet come into its own, however, because it is never appreciated to the extent of its worth by the people at large. Yet when battles are to be fought for town or county, a rush is made to the newspaper office always to find the loyal editor, frequently without hope of reward. Many other enterprises are encouraged by a bonus, but rarely is the newspaper offered any such and still more often not given the support it is entitled to. Communities frequently lose sight of their benefactor when they fail to recognize weekly journal as such. The editor and his paper stands as the bulwark of defense against the attacks of evil or designing schemes affecting the good of the individual or the town. For these and other reasons the newspapers of the town and country should receive the support of the public at large in a very liberal degree for it is really the most important business enterprise of the community.
Mr. Zumwalt returned Friday from Dallas where he had an operation performed on his eyes, but sorry to report he is till suffering.
Jeff Bobo and wife spent Friday night with the lady’s parents.
G. B. Howard and wife spent Wednesday night at J. S. Arthurs.
Miss Willie Martin returned home Friday. She has been visiting her brother near Double Mountains.
Rasmus Taylor had business in Glen Rose last week.
We have singing every first and third Sunday. Everybody invited to come and help.
Mrs. Bold of Weatherford is visiting her sister, Mrs. Millican this week.
Miss Lillian Howard visited at J. S. Arthur’s Sunday.
Miss Ethel Arthur visited Mrs. Earnest Stavenhagen Thursday evening.
The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Campbell is very sick.
A good many are sowing oats this week and the women are planting their gardens.
Will close and come again next week.
Snow Drop
Lipan, Texas
Capital Stock, Fully Paid – $25,000
Surplus – $5,000
Stockholders Liability – $25,000
This bank is under the supervision of the Department of Banking of Texas.
Our policy is conservatism and courteous treatment to our patrons. Conservatism means success. We solicit your business large or small and shall be pleased to have you visit our bank.
D. C. Cogdell, President
W. R. Martin, Cashier
Mrs. C. (Cornelia) Taylor passed from this earth to her heavenly home at the home of her son E. W. Taylor east of town on the 28th of January. At the time of her death only one son was present, the others were hurrying with all haste to her bedside but failed to reach her until after she had passed away. But all attended the funeral at Marvin Chapel on the 30th, except one who could not on account of sickness.
Deceased was born November 1, 1841, married to J. M. Taylor November 16, 1865. She left seven children, four daughters and three sons, two sisters, thirty-four grandchildren, and five great-grandchildren to mourn their loss.
She had been a member of the Missionary Baptist Church and lived a devout Christian for 60 years.
And now her work on earth is done, and through His grace the victory’s won.
…written by one of her daughters.
If you don’t believe that a few cents spent on painting will improve the appearance of your store, just take a peep into H. T. Huffstutler’s place of business. And besides, people just naturally like to trade at a store that is kept neat and clean. Even a peanut merchant has no time to sit on the sidewalk and spin a bunch of yarns or disseminate war news. The sidewalks are intended for the use of pedestrians and not for loafers. If you are already so rich that you don’t have to work stay inside or kick yourself in line and help boost Lipan.
Listen Daughter. Your mother tells me that you have been talking over the matter of getting a hired girl to do the housework. She also says that she feels sure that you two could get along with the work allright, but that the young fellow who is coming around here evenings will think we are not swell enough if he knows you and mother do the housework. Don’t worry about that. If he thinks such stuff, he is not good enough for you. But he looks pretty good to me and if he is half the fellow I take him to be he’ll think all the more of you when he knows that you not only know how to cook, bake, and mend but that you are on the job. So let’s play up a little game on him. The next time he arrives, receive him in your kitchen apron. Tell him to amuse himself in the parlor for a moment until you finish preparing the dishes. I won’t be here you know. He waits until my lodge nights to make his calls. So I won’t to be in the parlor to embarrass him. Then along about ten o’clock ask him if he wouldn’t like a bit of lunch. He’ll insist that it will be too much trouble, but you tell him he may come along and help. Any man in the world will fall for that. He’ll trail along after you to the kitchen. You’ll have the stage all set and the proper costumes ready. The costumes will consist of two aprons, one for you and one for him. Oh, he’ll put it own. If there is anything a young fellow will fall for it is the kitchen apron and job doing nothing but keeping out of the way. Then you get the lunch ready, tell him to slice the bread, and no matter how he butchers it tell him its fine. Ask him if he can make a salad dressing. If he says he can let him go to it. And you praise it to the skies. Ask him for the receipt. Tell him you’ll keep it a secret. What would you like for a wedding present?
An event which occurred too late for publication last week’s edition was the birthday anniversary of W. R. (William) Gafford or “Uncle Bill” as he is lovingly called by all who know him. It has been the custom for a number of years for his children to assemble at his home and celebrate his birthday, but some time ago when some one of the family suggested that his birthday was drawing near, he admonished them that “as times were hard, not to go to the trouble and expense just for him” but his children are noted far and wide for their thrift and industry hence “hard times” have no terrors for them and Uncle Bill was very pleasantly surprised when shortly before the noon hour his children and grandchildren came tripping in each laden with basket, box or tub filled to overflowing with delicacies which made the table groan beneath its load.
Those present were his children: J. P. Gafford, wife, and son; Ed Gafford and family; Mrs. J. C. Culberhouse and family; Mrs. Ollie Jones; Mrs. Mattie Compton and family; Mrs. Mary Compton and family; Joe Gafford and wife; and John Stowe and children.
And the following grandchildren with their families were: R. J. Fisher, A. W. Tuggle, Duncan McCauley, and Elzie Compton. The invited guests were Elder. W. H. Martin and Mrs. S. J. Pond.
One daughter, Mrs. W. D. Landers of Tolar was absent on account of sickness in her home.
Uncle Bill seems to enjoy better health than usual and we wish him many more such happy birthdays.
It is with sorrowful hearts that we chronicle the death of Clara, the nine year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Luther Baker who died of membranous croup Friday afternoon at 2:55 o’clock. She was laid to rest in Evergreen Cemetery, Saturday at 4 o’clock. Rev. A. L. Neel conducting the funeral services.
J. P. Gafford and the editor took a spin with Postmaster Martin in his auto out to his farm on Robinson Creek. Upon our arrival there we found Chas. Kindrick down in the field cutting stalks and we went down and chatted with him a while. They say that you can get the boy out of the country, but you can’t get the country out of the boy and this was proven beyond the shadow of a doubt on this occasion. While in conversation with Mr. Kindrick the P. M. let his mind revert to the boyhood days on the farm, and before we realized what as happening he had unseated his tenant and was steering a pair of donkeys to yon end. Thanks Layne.
We the undersigned wish to thank the many friends and neighbors for their kindness and Help during the sickness and death of our dear mother Mrs. C. Taylor.
Mrs. J. A. Gunnels
Mrs. J. F. Smith
Mr. E. W. Taylor
Mr. M. F. Taylor
Mrs. H. Dennis
Mr. A. L. Taylor
Mrs. R. G. Cogdill
We will offer the LIVE-WIRE and the SEMI-WEEKLY NEWS for the small sum of $1.25. Don’t overlook such a bargain.
It is with regret that we this week chronicle a brief notice of the death of Will Gregory who died of pneumonia at his home north of town last Saturday evening about 7:30. The remains were interred at the Evergreen Cemetery Sunday afternoon by the W. O. W. Lodge of which he was a member. Rev. Dan Price spoke the funeral service at the grave.
The deceased was 35 years of age and leaves behind a wife and three children. His standing in the community was attested by the large concourse of sorrowing friends who were present at the funeral.
Both the State and National Banking Departments are ruling against banks paying their customers’ checks when there are not sufficient funds on deposit to the credit of the drawer to meet the check.
Hence on and after February 22nd, we will not run an overdraft for any one.
We realize that this will cause some inconvenience and will necessarily cause each customer to keep up with his own account to avoid having checks returned unpaid.
We earnestly request each customer to adopt the plan of having the money in the bank and then give the check, instead of giving the check and then getting the money, thereby saving embarrassment on your part as well as ours.
Lipan State Bank
First National Bank
We desire to thank our friends and neighbors for their assistance and sympathy shown us during the recent illness and death of our darling child.
Luther Baker and family
We are well pleased with the showing our station is making. We want more cream. Ator Bros. Will wait on you any day you come. Try the cream business.
Peerless Creamery
We are again enabled to offer you the Star Telegram. Daily and Sunday for four months for $1.00.
Jas. L. Power