Frank Gaston, Editor & Proprietor
Mr. George Simpson is looking after his cattle interests in the Territory.
Miss Lula Bobo has been on the sick list for some time, but we are glad to know that she is improving.
Mr. & Mrs. E. K. Wilson are visiting at Mineral Wells for their health.
W. B. Daniel will build a nice addition to his residence.
There is to be a picnic near George Walter’s place today.
Mr. Jess Baker is off to the coast country on a fishing trip.
Miss Mattie E. Nutt left on Monday for a visit to friends at Cisco.
Miss Sallie Kerr left on Sunday for a visit to relatives at Fort Worth.
Miss Harper Lemaster is visiting friends in the Asbury neighborhood.
John Hiner is preparing to build a neat cottage in the Live Oak addition.
Capt. Morris has opened up a tin shop in connection with his hardware store.
Maj. Duval has purchased and occupied the Dawson residence on West Pearl Street.
We are sorry to learn that Miss Daisy Cogdell has been quite seriously ill this past week.
We understand that Rev. W. F. Graves has been elected as teacher at Stockton Bend school for next term.
Mr. A. W. Baird came over from Cleburne yesterday to spend a few days looking after the Granbury business.
Miss Gertrude Comer, one of the employees of Nix, Baird, and Gresham’s Cleburne house, is in the city this week.
Col. N. L. Cooper left last Friday for a visit to his native home in Ashe County, NC, after an absence of about 20 years.
Alderman Estes is setting a good example for his neighbors by improving the street in front of his house at his own expense.
Mr. George Simpson and Miss Lula Bobo were married in Cresson on Tuesday evening, the 17th. Rev. W. Moore officiating. Mr. Simpson is a promenient stockman of the section and the bride is one of the most estimable young ladies of that little city.
Capt. J. R. Morris has the thanks of The News for a basket of nice concord grapes from his vineyard which he brought in yesterday morning.
A party composed of Mr. W. F. Martin and sister, Miss Lizzie, Mr. James Lilly and sister, Miss Cora of Glen Rose, Mrs. Lucas and daughter, Miss Pinkie, of Granbury, left yesterday for a week or ten days outing at Mineral Wells.
A party consisting of Mr. J. H. Doyle and wife, Misses Sallie Estes, Dora and Kate Cooper, Dr. J. P. Holmes, and possibly others, will leave tomorrow for Galveston.
Miss Alice McGaughy visited her parents at Brownwood last week and her mother accompanied her back to Granbury to spend a few days visiting the I. B. McGaughy family.
About noon yesterday Mrs. J. E. Crites was seriously hurt by a fall from a chair, upon which she was standing.
Mr. J. W. Yantis announces in this issue as a candidate for re-election to the office of County Treasurer of Hood County.
The above newspaper items were extracted by Merle McNeese, Granbury, Texas, and first appeared in Hood County Genealogical Society Newsletters