Frank Gaston, Editor & Proprietor
The News is authorized to say that, despite all talk to the contrary, Granbury College will open again next September with a full corps of competent and experienced teachers.
Their friends will be glad to learn that Dr. Hanna and Mr. Bush are both improving.
Our young friends, Bernice and Minos Fitzhugh, returned last week from attendance upon Trinity University at Tehuacana. Minos was for fortunate winner of the $50 in gold prize for the best examinations on 5 collegiate studies, while Bernice was second in the contest for the oratory prize.
Mr. Claude Fewell and bride (Miss Barron) came in on Monday from Dublin to spend a short time with Granbury friends, and were guests of Dr. & Mrs. J. S. Turner.
Mr. W. H. Martin of Lipan announces this week as a candidate for County Commissioner in Precinct I, subject to the action of the Democratic primaries.
Cresson is no longer without a dry goods store, F. M. Cain & Co., having just opened up a large new stock, as well as a stock of family groceries, etc.
Misses Leota Woodburn, Dora Cook, Maggie Sligar, and Ella Sneed, and Prof. Clements of Lipan, are attending the college this week.
Misses Nettie Harvey, Mollie Maloney and Mrs. Dee Maloney of Acton paid The News a short call on Tuesday afternoon.
Rev. W. C. Rushing filled his appointment at the Christian Church last Sunday night and will preach at Acton next Sunday.
Mr. Wm. Anderson announces this week as treasurer of Hood County, subject to Democratic primaries.
Mrs. Emma Carswell of Goldthwaite, has been in the city the past two weeks on a visit to her father, Mr. W. J. Brown.
Mrs. Almon is erecting a business house near the depot.
Miss Kate Cooper returned last week from a visit to her aunt at Henrietta.
Born to Mr. & Mrs. G. L. Pate, on Monday morning last, a fine girl.
Mrs. Griffith of Itasca, is visiting Miss Pearson and attending the exercises.
P. E. Hines is now occupying the Hudson Barber Shop and asks a share of the tonsorial work and hair dressing.
Mrs. Mathews of Big Spring, is in the city visiting her sister, Mrs. T. T. Ewell.
Rev. W. L. Nelms came in yesterday to attend the meeting of the college directors.
Miss Beulah Parker continues quite low and her friends are apprehensive that she will not recover.
Miss Laura Milam of Glen Rose is attending the commence-ment exercises, and is a guest of Mrs. H. L. Eddy.
Miss Lizzie Martin of Glen Rose, is visiting Mrs. Lee Riddle and attending the commencement exercises.
Mr. W. J. Brown, Jr. who is now located near Overbrook, I. T., came down last week on a visit to his father and friends.
We are proud to say that Mrs. Deavers is improving rapidly. The physicians report all patients convalescent.
C. F. Wharton went to Weatherford Monday to purchase a new binder, which is much needed in the community.
John Jenson was visited by his mother and brother-in-law from Weatherford last Saturday and Sunday.
At our school election, Messrs. Henry Ator, Henry Yates, and John Doughton were elected.
We understand that the election at Halsell school house ended in a row, but no one was seriously hurt.
Mr. Foster and two children, Florence and Nebbie, visited in town Sunday, Miss Florence remaining to attend the music class which opened Monday with fair attendance.
Charlie Holder is proud over his new girl.
George Barton is the happiest man in Hood County; he has quit his crop and is just riding around to see if anybody has a better crop than he.
Blumer Barton from across the river, has been visiting his son, B. A. Barton, and other relatives in this section this past week.
We are all expecting a nice time at the picnic at Temple Hall on the third Saturday. All are invited to come and bring well filled baskets. There will be a number of candidates on hand and some good speaking is expected.
AddRan’s 21st commencement exercises begin Sunday, June 10th.
Miss Nellie Lamon an Add-Ran graduate, is the guest of Miss May Miller.
Randolph Clark preached last Sunday at Caddo, Stephens County, returning home Monday night, quite unwell.
We trust the effort will be resumed, to pay Charles Thorp for his faithful and careful nursing of W. H. Forrester.
Major Jarvis and wife were over from Fort Worth last week.
Mr. Phares of Louisiana, arrived Sunday, to visit his son who has been very sick for several weeks. He found him improving.
Messrs. F. G. Lewis, Add Hall and Fennimore were elected trustees of the public free school, at the election held Saturday.
The above newspaper items were extracted from newspaper microfilm by Merle McNeese, Granbury, Texas, and first appeared in Hood County Genealogical Society Newsletters