Frank Gaston, Editor & Proprietor
For County attorney: C. B. Reeder, J. B. Keith, reelection
For District Clerk: T. J. Williams, reelection
For Sheriff & Collector: J. F. Henderson
For County clerk: Phil Jackson, reelection
For Tax Assessor: J. E. Holmes, N. S. Davis, W. T. Lyle, reelection
For J. P., Precinct 1: J. A. Formwalt
Willie Lee has just returned from Bell County, where he has been on a business trip, bringing back with him a wagon and team, the proceeds of his trip.
Frank Blair happened to an accident Sunday while out riding which laid him up a few days.
Miss Ida Henderson of your city is visiting friends in the neighborhood this week, and looking out for a music class.
Leslie Rich has almost completed his new cottage.
Mrs. W. B. Daniel is visiting friends in Brownwood.
Mr. Otho S. Houston is in Fort Worth on business this week.
Mr. T. M. Stribling has been appointed City Assessor & Collector.
Mr. W. E. Doyle & family of Mexia, arrived Tuesday for a visit with relatives.
Dr. Doyle attended the meeting of railway surgeons at Galveston last week.
Mrs. M. J. Green of Cleburne is in the city visiting her daughter, Mrs. R. D. Jameson.
Sheriff Morris left Saturday for Austin to make his final settlement with the Comptroller.
Miss Mamie Mills of Coryell County, arrived Sunday on a visit to her sister, Mrs. E. P. Newsom.
We are sorry to learn that Dr. Hanna’s condition was not so favorable yesterday.
Dr. Arch Carmichael of Alexander, came over Tuesday for a visit to Hood County friends.
There has been no material change in Mr. Bush’s condition since he was stricken down.
George Moore is fitting up an elegant ice cream parlor in the building lately vacated by Joe Kerr.
Rev. W. F. Graves filled the pulpit at the Methodist church last Sunday in the absence of the pastor.
Rev. J. S. Barcus attended the General Conference of the Methodist Church, South, at Memphis, Tennessee last week.
Mrs. L. H. Eddy visited friends at Glen Rose this week, returning on Tuesday, accompanied by Mrs. Dr. Milam.
Mr. Dock Barbee and family came in last week from Alvin, thoroughly satisfied — to remain in Hood County. We welcome them back.
The above newspaper items were extracted from newspaper microfilm by Merle McNeese, Granbury, Texas, and first appeared in Hood County Genealogical Society Newsletters