Frank Gaston, Editor & Proprietor
Mrs. O.S. Houston made a business trip to Fort Worth this week.
Mrs. Freeman of Bluff Dale visited Mrs. A.P. Gordon.
Mr. M.H. Shanley left Monday for a business trip to Arkansas.
Rev. Emmett Hightower returned Tuesday from Dallas, much improved in health.
Mr. P.H. Dawson and family will occupy the Shanley residence on W. Pearl St.
Mr. Dock Barbee is now with Ferrell & Co.
Messrs. E.H. Chandler and M.W. Johnson of Bluff Dale spent a few hours in the city Monday.
Rev. J.H. Collard returned on Tuesday from Seguin where he had been holding a protracted meeting.
Mr. W.B. Daniel and family left Saturday for a visit to his sister, Mrs. J.R. McClellan, at Gatesville.
Mr. O.C. Dillahunty and family left this week for Tom Green County where they will make their home.
Miss Beulah Griffin of Cass County arrived Tuesday on a visit to her grandfather, Mr. I.O. Hightower.
Misses Belle Aston and Annie Searcy of Squaw Creek graced the News office with their presence last Saturday.
Mr. C.L. Edwards left Monday for Dallas to represent a newly patented disinfectant, for which he has the agency, during the Fair.
Mrs. Houston and her daughter, Miss Cecil, returned last Wednesday from a protracted visit to their old home at Clay Center, Kansas.
Professor C.O. Smith, superintendent of the public schools, has moved his family to Granbury and occupies the Estes residence on W. Bridge.
Dr. N.J. Phenix of Colorado came down this week to visit his mother, who is quite sick from a spider bite.
Revs. W.L. Nelms, A.E. Bailey, and O.M. Addison were in Granbury this week to attend a meeting of the board of directors of the college, of which they are members.
Mr. W.J. Duckworth of Acton was over this week rustling for cotton bagging. He informs us that he will this year gin at least 600 bales of cotton, and that he could have secured even more than that had his gin been of larger capacity.
The attendance at the University is constantly on the increase.
Among the pupils enrolled last week we see the names of Mr. Henderson of Van Alystyne and Mr. Johnson, Hillsboro. On last Friday night the pupils were given a social at the Girls’ Home.
Miss Kate Smith of El Paso stopped off on her way to the Dallas Fair to visit her many friends here.
Miss Minnie Jones of your city spent Sunday with old friends here.
Messrs. Tom Moore and Ed Atkins are on the sick list this week.
Major J.J. Jarvis and Dr. Broiles visited their children, who are in school here, this week.
Mr. D.N. Garland, one of the leading business men of Lehigh, Indian Teritory, spent a part of this week visiting relatives and friends here.
News comes to us that Mr. Tal Millwee, so well known in your city, but for some years doing business in the Territory, was married to a Miss Smith of Clarksville on Tuesday of this week.
We learn with sorrow of the sudden death of A.W. Townsend, which occurred last week at his home in Dublin. Mr. Townsend was the father of Miss Gertie Townsend, a few years ago a dearly beloved pupil here, and who afterward became the wife of W.E. McConnell.
Addison Clark, Jr. has been employed to teach school at Amulet. We hear young Mr. Clark is an active worker and bright scholar.
Cotton picking is the order of the day, and pickers are in demand.
Captain Barton has been on the sick list, but is able to be about again.
Our school is slimly attended because most of the children are busy.
Frank McKinney and wife have been sick for some time, but are now some better. The good people of this neighborhood will meet on Thursday to pick out McKinney’s cotton.
Bud Stewart and Joe Long took in Formpaugh’s Circus at Fort Worth.
Miss Nellie Glenn has been sick this past week.
Mr. Andy Long had 200 head of steer dehorned at F.O. Fidler’s pens last week.
Mr. Dow Wood bought a rocking chair the other day. Keep your eyes on him. He will be looking for an occupant next.
The large wooden pillows in Rock Church were supplanted by small iron ones last Wednesday. When the finishing touch is put on, she will have an appearance of taste and culture.
Some of our widowers are becoming very courteous toward some of the ladies and very likely our County Clerk may have a call in the near future.
Reprinted from Hood County Genealogical Society Newsletter dated Aug. 1986