University Training School, Granbury, Texas 1908 Letters and photo

Submitted by: Virginia Crilley

Sunday Eve 2:00pm Sept 20, 1908

My Dear Mother,
As from two til four is the usual quiet hours, I will spend some of the time in writing to you. I wrote you some few days ago, suppose you have rec’d same by this time.
I am getting along better than I expected, we have a good dinner today, had some pineapple sherbet, it sure was good. Also had some pork (a pork roast)
As to uniforms, they will cost twenty dollars including cap. That sure is high too. It hardly seem slike we are able to pay such a price, but I leave the matter entirely with you all. If you think it best to take me out of the hall and put me a private boarding place, alright.

As my course in school I have twenty hours per week, including following studies: History,Latin, English, Algebra. I think this is a very good course and as many hours as I can take. There is going to be an entertainment tomorrow night at the University for all the students.
Well, it seems like winter will soon be here. I have worn my green and red dresses, they feel comfortable these cool mornings.

Say, Mama as I had to get all new books you will have to send me some more money.

I rec’d a long letter from Earl a few days ago. He is in Ft. Worth at present. [*her older brother]
Zelda Seawright is back in school and a great many of the old students.
I am standing wearing my clothes much better than I had expected.

Miss McClure has arranged for negro women to come out from town to do our laundry. She says she thiks we ought to get it done for 75 cents a week. I sure hope we can that will beat what I paid last year by a long ways.

Well, I guess Papa has told you all about our up and downs by this time. I will close hoping to hear from you real soon and all the news.

With lots of love,
Mary Grimes (daughter of F.M. and Lydia Hightower Grimes of Frost, Tx)

Dear Bro Grimes:
I have been thinking for some time that I would write you, but have been so busy. School is doing simply fine. New pupils are coming in every few days, and I am looking for quite a lot of new ones in at the opening of next Quarter. We could not ask for better prospects for the future. The town is better pleased with the work that we are doing than it has been in twenty years. The financial affairs are in at least safe conditions.

Mary is doing much better work than she did last year, and says that she is doing better than she ever did before. But she gets quite homesick some time, and it is all that we can do to keep her at it.  Mabel writes her from Waxahachie about boarding out in town, and having a big time, and that always makes her homesick.  Then, I have made it a rule that the girls can’t go out into town visiting homes. I think that this is positively necessary for the good of the school.  I have had to deny her thisprivilege a few times lately, and she did not enjoy it. But I am sure that you would do likewise. It would not take long for the boys to go to wanting to go with her, if I let her go out, and I thought that you would not like that idea. Then, of course, we could not allow it.  We are doing our very best to make it pleasant and profitable for her.

She told me that you would visit us here soon, and I have been looking forward for some time for you. Hope that you can come quite soon. Mary got so homesick, and yet thought that she could take a trip to the Dallas Fair in place of going home, that I have decided to let her go there Friday, if I can make suitable arrangements for some one to accompany her. I trust that this will meet your approval. I thought that it would be best for her.

With the best wishes for you all, and hoping to hear from you quite soon, and better to see you.

I am yours,
Atticus Webb,A.M.
President of University Training School, Granbury, Texas)

Photo is a postcard
The postmark on the card is Oct 10, 1908
I can identify one person:

Mary Grimes (daughter of F.M. and Lydia Hightower Grimes)
2nd row — 2nd one from right side

Virginia Crilley