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Keeney,J.T. | to | Nora Thore | 1893 |
Kell, M.L. | to | I.A.King | 1891 |
Kelley, J.T. | to | May Sourlock | 1909-1911 |
Kesler, N.G. | to | Lumnia Tudor | 1888 |
Kight,H.L . | to | Loni Duke | 1891 |
Killough, J.D. | to | Grace Blackburn | 1904 |
Kinder, R.C. | to | Lorena Canolly | 1907 |
King, D.L. | to | E.L.Hastings | 1891 |
King, J.D. | to | M.M. Walfenburger | 1891 |
King, R.R. | to | Pearl Steele | 1909-1911 |
Kirby, P.M. | to | Josie Austin | 1909-1911 |
Kirkland, H.C. | to | Camilla Hilley | 1898 |
Knog, Carl E. | to | Lyon, Frankie May | 1930-1931 |
Krutilek, Henry | to | Fern Roberts | 1928-1929 |
Lablue, Arson | to | N.E.Holler | 1896 |
Lancaster, W.H. | to | Ida Morrison | 1895 |
Langley, W.E. | to | Rosie Baker | 1892 |
Larned, Oscar H. | to | Nola B.Ater | 1905 |
Lasten,Ed | to | Ruby Neeley | 1906 |
Laudman, J.M. | to | Lederware Hattie L. | 1948-1949 |
Leaveston, A.A. | to | Fay Pribble | 1925-1928 |
Lee, Chester | to | Eula Garrett | 1903 |
Lee, Herbert | to | Willie Stewart | 1907 |
Lemock, W.W. | to | C.P.Lamb | 1890 |
Lester, R.L. | to | Ethel Nichols | 1899 |
Lewis, Hubard | to | Ella Sparks | 1905 |
Lewis, S.W. | to | Hattie Jacobs | 1903 |
Lewis, S.W. | to | Maggie Dabney | 1896 |
Liles, T.B. | to | Miss V.S.Abbott | 1895 |
Lilly, W.E. | to | Ada Lee Abel | 1897 |
Lively, H.F. | to | Kittie M. Green | 1898 |
Lively, Hiram F. | to | Trixie Green | 1906 |
Loafman, V. | to | Willis, Mrs. A. | 1944-1945 |
Loyd, W.L. | to | Rosa Guice | 1896 |
Macksbury, R.L. | to | Elizabeth White | 1896 |
Maconey, A.J. | to | Bettie Waddee | 1893 |
Madry, K.G. | to | Nichol,Fay | 1940-1941 |
Mahngin, C.F. | to | F.S.Curry | 1898 |
Maples, J.R. | to | Lillie H. Hopper | 1950-1960 |
Marlow, L. | to | Lydia Anders | 1888 |
Marshall, F.O. | to | Jane Goodman | 1891 |
Masley, Henry | to | Priscilla Smith | 1890 |
Master, E.P. | to` | R.G.Gardner | 1903 |
Mathews, Boston | to | Josie Adams | 1895 |
Mayor, John H. | to | Christian, Ollie | 1942-1943 |
McAvis, J.A. | to | Rose Ella Mille | 1907 |
McCanuron, J.M. | to | D.A.M.Lean | 1890 |
McCaun, R.W. | to | Allie Hightower | 1895 |
McCreary, R.W. | to | Mattie L.Page | 1894 |
McCuan, W.E. | to | Jewel Coahran | 1923-1924 |
McEwen, Jno H. | to | Maggie Johnson | 1897 |
McGowan, Walter | to | Hettie Sargent | 1906 |
McGuire, Reubin | to | NettieReichstutter | 1893 |
McLemon, Geo L. | to | Ida Fortner | 1894 |
McNeely, J.P. | to | S.A.Yancy | 1899 |
McNeil, J.H. | to | Nannie Teague | 1891 |
Means, Leland | to | Dora Followill | 1909-1911 |
Medders, Lawrence to | Dela Tittle | 1897 | |
Meeker, Earnest | to | Amye Rogers | 1923-1924 |
Miller, Albert E. | to | Ora Duvall | 1896 |
Milton, J.E. | to | Minnie Webb | 1893 |
Minix, J.W. | to | Bell Click | 1925-1928 |
Minter, G.W. | to | Jurshe Smith | 1907 |
Mitchell, R.L. | to | Juanita Tatum | 1923-1924 |
Moore, Lester | to | Verna Pope | 1923-1924 |
Moore, R.C. | to | Elizabeth Innerhofer | 1925-1928 |
Moore, Waddy | to | Dora Carter | 1891 |
Morgan, J.H. | to | Myrtle Huffman | 1925-1928 |
Morgan, Jack | to | Delora Smith | 1925-1928 |
Morgan, W.B. | to | M.E.Lee | 1892 |
Morris, T.D. | to | Osora Lewis | 1893 |
Morrow, T.J. | to | Flossye Willingham | 1908 |
Morton,J.M. | to | Callie Goss | 1897 |
Mullane, James | to | Viola Buck | 1921-1923 |
Murray, H.N. | to | M.L.Murray | 1892 |
Murray, H.N. | to | Miss M.L. Murry | 1891 |