Unclaimed Marriage Certificates (N-R)

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Neeley, B.L.toEllen Weeks1896
Newberry, J.D.toVinnie Bealy1895
Newcomb, S.P.toR.A. Holler1902
Newman, O.S.toMary E. Beckley1891
Nichols, J.R.toCora Clark1906
Noblitt, JamestoJoanne Lynch1946-1947
Norris,toMary Jane Abbott1940-1941
Norton,J.H.toRosa Clark1893
Nutt, A.B.toRuby Woods1905
Odom, J.C.toTate, Christine1934-1935
Oliver, JohntoG.A.Turner1893
Oliver, W.A.toLizzie Smith1893
Osborne, LuthertoAddie Belt1907
Ozment, J.W.toMorris, Mary Ellis1936-1937
Packwood, JerrytoWanda L.Cole1948-1949
Page, CharleytoDana McCreary1897
Pain, CharleytoLeticia Brooks1891
Palmer, Ed B.toAtha Collins1950-1960
Parher, C.J.toS.A. Johnson1888
Parker, HenrytoNancy Hines1950-1960
Parker, RoberttoCora Alice Shoemaker1908
Parrott, B.J.toMannie Shannon1895
Parson, MonroetoLaurra Goodwin1890
Pate, G.L.toAlah Holma1893
Patterson, H.C.toLewis, Willie Mae1940-1941
Penn, J.M.toRoella Leineberry1891
Perkins, W.F.toNora E.Bowers1899
Perry, A.B.toLillie Thrawer1896
Perry, D.C.toCynthia McCader1904
Perry, W.J.toMaggie Johnson1905
Peters, J.T.toL.E.Wilson1899
Pettit, E.C.toLela Collier1905
Pettit, P.H.toIva Potterfiel1905
Petty, ClydetoPollye FoJune1905
Petty, H.J.toMollie Hudgins1899
Phagan, J.S.toPhagan, Emma1942-1943
Phillips, F.R.toOlive R.Wylie1890
Phillips, J.F.toM.W.Motley1925-1928
Phillips, W.M.toAllie L. Yancy1923-1924
Pierce, W.toNannie Mayo1905
Pigg, T.B.toOla Harrison1905
Pilkington, A.P.`toSallie Huffstuttler1904
Pittman, J.O.toM.V. Jenkins1925-1928
Plumb, HarrytoFlorence Hoope1907
Pong, W.H.toOla Cook1906
Porter, C.R.toRedd, B.A.1938-1939
Price, J.E.toM.L. Callahan1896
Price,J.L.toJennie Kelley1902
Rash, Chas L.toLori Wood1890
Read, FranktoMissouri Hende1905
Renois, TheotoGola Rash1909-1911
Reynolds, RosstoMay Pardon1908
Reynolds, S.C.toHattie Cook1890
Rich, L.E.toAnna M. Baker1894
Rigsbay, FranktoOlivie Hamilton1899
Riley, HuberttoRaye Vinson1925-1928
Roach, Dr. D.toOsie Hickman1904
Roach,C.J.toAlphie Jackson1903
Roberts, C.C.toBeulah Myrick1925-1928
Robertson, CarltoIna Nichols1909-1911
Robinson, A.D.toB.J. Ledbetter1893
Robinson, A.D.toM.E. Flowers1899
Robinson, O.B.toAlzada Watts1896
Roe, PrincetoLana Goodwin1908
Rogers, B.F.toMinnie Holder1902
Rollins, J.M.toEvelyn Cash1921-1923
Rose, FranktoMelvina Ince1901
Row, G.E.toKate Lanham1904
Rucher, EarnesttoSinnie Anglin1902
Rucker, ClarencetoWinnie Drice1928-1929
Russel, W.M.toSarah Law1890
Russell, J.D.toM. Garrison1890
Rylee, CharleytoLucy Pearce1899