There is a scarcity of all kinds of news, except wet weather and the blues.
In the “Waples Wafers” last week, “Wild-Rose” referred to Esq. W.J. Duckworth as a Rev. because he had married a couple. Mr. Duckworth says he has been accused of being everything except a preacher and if anyone thinks that no one but preachers can tie the hymeneal knot successfully all they have to do is to give him a trial and they will find out.
Three candidates are in the field for county school superintendent in Erath county. They are Miss Emma Perry of Dublin; W.T. Graves of Huckaby; W.G. Sears of Morgan’s Mill.
Of course we attended the old folks singing at Tolar last Sunday and assisted in crushing the floor of the Baptist Church down and the pandemonium reigned for a few minutes. Some jumped out at the window, others stood still screaming, others rushed for the door, while those who possessed more forethought mounted the seats and called on the excited throng to be quieted, as there was no danger. But the house was soon vacated, and of course we had nothing else to do but to spread and eat one of the most sumptuous dinners that could very well be furnished on a poor occasion like this, and we were all so scared that we hardly knew when to quit eating. We finally quit, with the understanding that they would repeat the dose the fourth Sunday in May, 1908.