Harry H. Brooks, Editor and Ramrod

Friday, July 13, 1906

Lipan, Hood County, Texas

Issued Weekly

Established December 1905

Vol. 1 No. 31

Subscription Price $1 per year

Harry H. Brooks, Publisher


Rites Solemnized Uniting W.O. Wright and Miss Harper Ethel Dennis

Ever since the early creation when the Lord said, “It is not good for man to live alone,” the man has been scrambling for his other half. No admonition of the Creator has been more earnestly believed than this one.

It is said that God made man and rested; then he made woman and neither God nor man has rested since.

Marriage is an interesting institution. It is a Divine thing. And why so many persist in remaining single is a devout mystery. Selah!

The first wedding of Mr. Adam and Miss Eve was not reported in the paper. Probably on that evening the newsgatherer overslept himself; or maybe he was expecting a scoop by wireless telegraphy. At any rate ever since the participants have been more punctual in getting service from paper people.

Marriage is of the heart; wedding is of the pocketbook-but Lipan was the recipient of both at once last week.

When Mr. W.O. Wright led to the hymeneal altar Miss Harper Ethel Dennis, probably the best social event in the history of Lipan was consummated.

The bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. James E. Dennis, had put their beautiful home in readiness for the nuptials, invitations had been issued; and assistance for receiving was in waiting.

Wednesday, July 11, the happy day came, and at 6:30, the holy hour, the wedding march proceded. Miss Annie Clapp presided at the piano. Mr. Cox of near Stephenville and Miss Grace Hamilton of Weatherford, Mr. W.H. Roach and Miss Ada Williamson of Lipan were the accompanying couples to the ceremony. The bride leaned upon the arm of her father who gave her away. The groom and preacher brought up the procession. Rev. B.J. Forbes of Brock pronounced the rites in a short, simple, yet appropriate and beautiful manner that made Mr. Wright and Miss Dennis husband and wife. The waiting guests how took a turn at congratulations; and many were the heartfelt expressions of friendship, appreciation and wishes, the editor being the first to say “Mr. and Mrs. Wright.” He thought he’d “rather be Wright than President.”

The wedding supper was next. The tables were presided over by the queenly pair Miss Lizzie Hamilton and Mrs. Hammond of Weatherford. The floral decorations were homely and good; while various fruits graced the centers. Ice cream and cake was served, and souvenir napkins on the side, iced water.

The members of the first table were: At first end, Rev. Forbes and second end, Editor Brooks; on the left of the minister sat groom and bride, Mr. and Mrs. W.O. Wright; best man and lady, Mr. Cox and Miss Grace Hamilton; on the right, sat our host and hostess, J.E. Dennis and wife, and the seconds, Mr. W.H. Roach and Miss Ada Williamson. It threw the writer like Paul to be in a strait ‘twixt two.

At the second table of ten sat the father and mother of groom, the Wrights of Stephenville; Rev. and Mrs. Groves, Jim Aiken, etc. Some 80 or more guests were served refreshments, several going home.

At first it seemed a funeral or a Quaker meeting; and tears were suggested, but the conversation reached a climax when the editor mentioned he was there to “see how the thing’s done”-and-it was all off.

Consensus of opinion puts it together the happy occasion was “a thing of beauty and a joy forever” and immeasurably heightened by the help of the Weatherford folk, as mentioned.

The new couple-now one-left on the morning train for Abilene and later for Stephenville; when the honey moon is over, will be “at home” to their many friends here at Lipan.

It is hoped the newly weds will settle here; though the Professor as been offered flattering positions in John Tarleton College and State University.

The groom wore the convention black, and was handsome; the bride was decked in white satin with white chiffon over and laces to match; and looked the sweetest ever.

They were recipients of some splendid presents: Mr. and Mrs. Frank Williams, china bowl and pitcher; John Chapman of Tolar, bed spread; Miss Sallie Sears, bed spread; Mrs. W.O. Squyres, linen table cloth; Myrtle and Curtis Bagwell, china chocolate set; Mr. and Mrs. R.B. Saxon, glass set; Miss Ada Williamson, cake plate; Miss Annie Roach, hand embroidered doilie; Miss Annie Clapp, hand embroidered doilie; Mr. and Mrs. Forest Hamilton of Weatherford, cut glass vinegar jug; Mrs. Hamilton and family of Weatherford, cut glass pickle plate; Mr. and Mrs. B. Rippetoe, lamp; Miss Susie Hamilton of St. Louis, 1 dozen silver tea spoons and 1 set silver table spoons; Mr. and Mrs. J.E. Dennis, 1 set silver knives and forks.


All kinds of tin work, galvanized work, well casing, tanks, flues, roofing, valley work, and fixings. Good workmanship and Prompt attention.



Cannon and Watson will buy your fat cattle and sell your fresh beef, hams, chile, Lunches of all kinds, cold drinks.

Everything new, clean, fresh, fine



Traveling Man’s Headquarters and the home of all wishing a hostelry.


Feed and Livery Stable


R.R. Ranspot and E.F. Gough


Office Over Byrd’s Drug Store

Phone Connections

Lipan, Texas


New supply backs, dampers, stove rods, etc.

See me at Lipan


To the Voters of the 76th Flotorial District:

I have been at home several days with my son who has typhoid fever. It will be several days yet, if he does well, before I can leave. I make the above statement that the people may know, if I do not see them before the primary, the reason. Thanking all for the interest they are taking in my campaign. I am,

Sincerely, M. F. Higgs

Testimonials in plenty can be furnished of the benefits of Kendal’s White Liniment. Sold by W.B. Byrd

Brother Groves brought the old Harry some grapes this week; a bouquet the week before last. It pays to make life pleasant.


LIPAN REGISTER will have a new printer next week; it is hoped so that the ramrod may have more time on the outside for business, health, and pleasure.

Don’t forget the big Kickapoo Falls Picnic July 18 and 19, and come, turn out for a jubilee.

Miss Myrtle Aiken and sister attended the picnic at the Mill (Morgan Mill) and visited relatives there.

Congressman Gillespie passed through Lipan yesterday.

J.W. Swayne, candidate for congress, was a caller today.

Arthur Shaver and consort on returning from Dennis picnic had a runaway; the lady being thrown into wire fence and bruised up.

H. Ator has been away several days and the town has been quiet-he is slinging sand, they say.

Jeff Graham of Tolar, brother-in-law of S.L. Holmes, visited him and Jeff Perry.

Lee Cook and wife left Sunday for New Mexico to live.

The picnics at Morgan Mill and Dennis, no doubt, and several went to each from here, but more would have gone if it had not rained.

W.E. Douglass, next county judge, was stillhunting in here.

D.C. Pope has completed a neat little cottage opposite Baptist church; Contractor Tole Kimball doing the work.

Curtis Bagwell sprained his ankle and is walking on crutches.

Candidate Higgs was the only office seeker to keep date here on Monday night.

Bosley School House next Sunday afternoon, Woodmen unveiling; T.J. White, speaker.

The Misses Hale and Hurn, who were at the seashore attending normal, have returned refreshed.

Jess Perry, who had his foot hurt, is about well.

A protracted meeting will be in progress from tomorrow at Natty Flat to last some two weeks. Plain Harry H. Brooks is asked to help Pastor J.M. Groves, who is holding the fort. Rev. Adams of Hico is also implicated. So, come out, and let’s have a time.


We wish to state to our many friends and patrons that our new mill is now in operation and it is located in a fine body of virgin timber which guarantees a fine grade of lumber. And that we will not ship finish from this mill but let it all go in No. 1 common which will carry our grades above the Southern Lumber Manufacturers’ grading rules. And save you money, as you get it from first hands. Yours truly.


Frank Wyly, Manager

Page 2

Lipan Register

The editor contemplates writing a book on “Love, Courtship, and Marriage.” The first edition of a 1,000,000 copies is now booked at half price-$5-come and get um while they last.

James Aiken-the genial Jim-dropped in to see us for a spell, after witnessing the nuptials. He is peddling Texas dirt and is selling it from town lots to whole counties. His company vigorously believes in printer’s ink, and later THE REGISTER will be a recipient of patronage; Jim is always a welcome visitor to this part but it moistens his eye-like the Editor’s-to see so many of the pretty girls marrying off.

Read the delightful dissertations by “Country Girl” in this paper. She speaks gospel truth, folks, try it. And by the way, boys, seems like sum o’ yu’uns uv the kuntry kind wuld be shylin at this “Kuntry Gal” fur uv sich is the Kingdum o’ Matrimoni.

THE REGISTER wishes with a scare-head double-leaded wish that we had several correspondents of the metaphysical fibre of the one just referred to. And by gum, we’d court the whole works-in public print-we ain’t got nurv nuff to kourt em tother way, selah!

Meetings will be progressing shortly in these ends, let’s get serious. So serious has Lipan’s Editor got that he has composed a son-“Tell Me With Your Eyes.” He may spring it on the folks at Natty Flat next week; they are good natured folk and long suffering.

A communication from Newark speaks of the death of Moses Followill, an old settler. Corn is short, wheat and oats are fair. He wishes old and new friends here he may make, well; and, says the Newark editor, like the Lipan man, is getting in love.

Quite a sensation was had on Monday by report that 4 or 5 year old child of Bob Tuggle was lost. Late at night as searching parties were being got, the little one was found sleeping under a bed.

The Farmers Union is the hope of the agricultural class-get in and help push.

Rev. J.M. Groves has binding some sheaves this week. Charles Kelly and Miss Sally Hood were married at W.M. Hood’s; Will Miller and Miss Annie Stevens were joined at Cox’s, all of near Natty Flat. Success!


The man who advertises will sell you goods cheaper than the man who does not advertise. The man who advertises is the public spirited man and the fellow who will always help a worthy cause. Besides, he is the fellow who is drawing new customers through his wideawake methods. He meets you more than half way and is ready to sell at a small profit that he may reinvest his capital. He finds that the expense of advertising is really a saving to himself and his customers, since it enables him to supplement personal effort to the greatest extent by his local paper’s subscription list, and by doing so increases his list of business acquaintances to such an extent that he can and does invariably undersell the fellow who sits down, does not use this method of inviting people to his story and when he makes a deal, skins you in some manner. -Exchange

Our Car of hog and barbed wire has arrived. And a new car of Racine Buggies has been received. If you are going to put up a Wind Mill see us. We are ready to figure with you on Wind Mills, Pumps, and Tanks of any size.

Yeats-Stell Hardware Company

Lipan, Tex.

Get the Habit!

See Us for Printing


The Register is authorized to make the following announcements of candidates for office, subject to the action of the Democratic primaries:

J.W. Swayne

Thomas J. Powell

For Flotorial Representative

Jess Baker

M.F. Higgs

W.A. Binyon

For County Judge

W.E. Douglass

J.P. Mahan

For County Clerk

T.J. Williams

For County Treasurer

Ben T. Sargent

W.D. Berry

A.A. Perkins

For Sheriff and Tax Collector

J.G. Swofford

Tom H. Hiner

James Russell

For Tax Assessor

John Gregory

For Commissioner, Precinct No. 1

W.T. Lyle

J. I. Bagwell

Lots of people have their name on the church book who are total strangers to grace-if their actions speak for them.

And a Kansas newspaper made recently refused an offer made by a responsible New York publisher of $2,000 and expenses to go to Europe and interview William Jennings Bryan. What can the country be coming to when a man-like Mr. Rockefeller-refuses $1,000 for a 15 minute gabfest and a country editor declines $2,000 and a European excursion for a little friendly episode?


The Pittsburgh girl baby with two tongues will make a great club woman some day if she only lives.-EX

The club woman is alright if she does not neglect her family for the club, and the girl baby is an institution that is a blessing to the home-but deliver us from one with two tongues.-STAR

Concerning a medicine advertised in the columns of this paper. Messrs. Rice and Meaders, Richfield, Ill. say: “Harts’ Honey and Horehound for a severe cough and cold and you will be thoroughly and quickly cured. 25c, 50c, and $1 bottles sold by W.B. Byrd.


Cis: See if you can find the man in this picture puzzle, aunt.

Spinster Aunt: It’s useless for me to attempt it; I’ve been trying to find a man for 22 years.-Stray Stories

It begins to look as if they just might as well hold the next Democratic National Convention and the demonstration in honor of Col. William Jennings Bryan homecoming at one and the same time.

Page 3

Lipan Register


Grandpa Ellis discourses on the Butterfly Boys of the Age

In my last article I tried to point out the way to live happy in this life; my principle object was for the benefits of the youths. I now wish to give a little review to the dissatisfied idlers.

Consider the fellow who has no vocation; he simply follows those who have; sometimes he may be observed strutting the streets with an air of importance that would do justice to a consequential fop, or would pass for a specimen commonly known as a modern dude; perfuming the breezes with the mingled odors of tobacco, cheap cologne and the vilest whiskey. He also haunts the sunny places or breezy corners; his business is to see, hear, and exhibit himself. And no one fails to see him-his very gaudy dress, his flashy pin, his monstrous badge, his hat asiant, surely he presents an attractive appearance as he curls clouds of cigarette smoke above his head for no regard for those whose presence he has intruded his augustness; He constantly declares himself a gentleman of honor, not that he keeps his word or shrinks from meanness. He defrauds his laundress, his tailor, and his landlord. He may fight a little if he gets so drunk he is not afraid; he tells the vilest stories in the public corners with no regard for modesty, youth, or age; he gambles when someone will furnish him a stake; he makes slight remarks about young ladies as they pass by-but, yet he boasts himself a gentleman of honor.

Another class of idlers is the fashionable idler whose riches defeat every purpose God designed they should serve; with diligence he seeks every market place for rare and various designs of apparel and costly jewelry; he drives stylish horses, organizes parties, baseball clubs, and induces the boys who would be something, save, but for his wiley ways and oily tongue, to quit their work and thus the young fall victim to his influence and start on his way to idleness, sin, and shame.

As a “business” man who spends his time looking after everybody else’s business but his own, he takes great interest in every little political rangle, spending hours of valuable time in discussing the chances and points of merit of his favorite candidate who cares not for him beyond his vote.

Well, I might go on and on, but space will not permit. The idler is like a butterfly, active tho’ he may be, is yet indolent, and flutters from flower to flower, till the summer has passed and frost stings him, when he sinks down and dies unhonored, unremembered, unwept, and unsung.

Dear reader, have you ever seen this remarkable bi-ped running at large in your midst?

But against such let us all be duly armed.


See us for Printing

Drugs! To Sell for Cash or Credit: Drugs!

I always strive to please my customers and to give them the very best Drugs that money can buy.

Besides, I carry a nice line of CLOCKS that I will sell cheap.

Toilet articles, brushes, knives, and scissors, oils and paints, etc.

I carry Hughes Brothers celebrated Candles.

Physicians prepared Rx carefully day or night} COME TO SEE US

L.M. BAGWELL, Lipan, Texas






Not Far

With correct service and rates


Write for Booklet

C.W. Strain, G.P.A.

Fort Worth, Texas

Only Blood Medicine guaranteed is

Dr. Thurmond’s Lone Star Blood Syrup

If you suffer with indigestion and constipation, Dr. Thurmond’s Lone Star Blood Syrup is guaranteed to cure. If you have rheumatism, boils and carbuncles, Dr. Thurmond’s Blood Syrup will cure you. If at any time in life you have contracted blood poison, Dr. Thurmond’s Lone Star Blood Syrup is guaranteed to remove every trace of the poison. As a female medicine, Dr. Thurmond’s Lone Star Blood Syrup is a panacea. It is unquestionably the greatest remedy every know. As an appetizer and invigorator, it is great. See Byrd.

The much loved southern writer, Joel Chandler Harris, to whom the world is indebted for Uncle Remus, is about to receive substantial recognition in a new form. The Dallas News announces the consummation of a deal by which it secures the exclusive rights in the Southwest to publication of Uncle Remus’ stories, illustrated by Conde, the famous artist.

William Jennings Bryan is expected to arrive home the last of August from his world trip.

Kendel’s White Linament is good for burns, bruises, sores, barbed wire cuts; see Byrd.

Graphic-Truth: The editor was at Lipan recently. They are an up-to-date progressive people. Lipan is growing rapidly and is putting on city airs. They have a splendid brass band, and are talking of incorporating the town. We were received with open arms and enjoyed the day royally.

Don’t forget that this office is capable of doing good job work and nearer home than some other places. Don’t forget.

The following well-known residents of Kilgore, Texas, Mrs. James Rosson, Mrs. Mon Dixon, Levia Teal and Jordan Jackson, have used Re-Go Tonic Laxative Syrup, the certain cure for constipation, biliousness, indigestion, and dyspepsia, and pronounce it a medicine of unusual worth and merit. The popularity of Re-Go and the high esteem in which it is held, leads us to believe it an exception to most patent medicines; 25¢, 50¢, $1 bottles sold by W.B. Byrd, Drugs.

Page 4

Lipan Register


A Weekly Newspaper in God’s Country

Harry H. Brooks

Publisher and Proprietor

Entered at postoffice at Lipan as second class matter

LIPAN, Hood County, TEXAS


One Year………………………………….One Dollar

Six Months………………………………..Fifty Cents

Two Copies………………………………..Dollar and Half


One inch……………………………………12 1-2 Cents

Per Month…………………………………..50 Cents

Above first inch…………………………….10¢ Inch

Local Reader per line……………………….5¢

Cut Rate on Dollar Ads

Discount on ads not changed

No advertisement for less than 25¢ one week

July 13, 1906

500 Copies

Issued on Friday

Harry H. Brooks, Editor

There is no blasphemy in LOVE but doubt. No sin but deceive. -Festus

Ambition becomes displeasing when it is once satiated. There is a reaction, and as our spirit till our last sigh is always aiming toward some object, it falls back on itself, having nothing else on which to rest, and having reached the summit it longs to descend. – Corneille

Testimony before the select committee of the house of lords of England on juvenile smoking showed that the worst article America sent to Great Britain was the American cigarette.

Other classes do so, why not the farmer organize?


The greatest catarrh cure ever discovered

Sold on a positive GUARANTEE

Catarrh is one of the most disgusting and destructive diseases to which human flesh has fallen heir. It often makes it manifestations in a very insidious form, and not until the subjects find they are failing vigor and strength, do they realize the fact that their constitutions are being undermined. The symptoms are pain in the head, constant annoyance from mucous falling into the throat, difficult breathing through nose, so-called “cold in the head,” loss of smell and tast, with fetid breath. Use Dr. Thurmond’s Star Catarrh Cure. For sale by W.B. Byrd, druggist.

Read the Lipan Register

Double Mountain News

July brings refreshing showers for which we are very thankful.

Jake Stavenhagen and family have returned to their home in Oklahoma. Andrew McKinzey accompanied them.

We are glad to know that Miss McClish is improving after a severe case of fever.

Misses Sarah McKinzey and Nellie Ator are at home again after spending six weeks at Stephenville where they have been attending the normal.

L. (Leopold) Stavenhagen and family are fishing on Buck Creek this week.

The editor preached for us last Sunday. The people were well pleased with his sermon, and think that he said many good things. We welcome him again.

Mr. and Mrs. Parrott Ator made a flying trip to Thurber this week.

Grandma (Susan) Sears is visiting in Arkansas.

A number of our folks attended the old folks reunion at Morgan Mill.

W.W. Billingsley’s sister from Hereford is visiting him here this week. She likes the west.

You get more stored up health in Kendel’s Liver Regulator than any other

See Byrd


I suppose all residents of the country are glad to live there-or should but none are prouder of the old farm than Country Girl. I am never in the city or town for half a day until I find myself longing for a breath of fresh air from the Woodland or field. And when dinner time comes, I want food that I know is pure.

With all our opportunities we country people make one mistake which could very easily be corrected, that is, we neglect our homes and do not make them beautiful and homelike. Many homes are entirely destitute of music and literature, and when a rainy day comes there is no entertainment for either boy or girl. When Sunday comes there is no Sunday school to attend-they do not think of Sunday as a day to worship and study the Word of God, but as a day of pleasure when, if they only knew it, their enjoyment would be far greater if they would go to church and Sunday school, meet their friends, and discuss their lessons in a religious way.

Then during the week spend the spare moments reading some good book or paper that will teach them some new or easy way to do their work, or some moral lesson; each one could share his knowledge with a friend and in that way help the whole community.

Boys and girls of the country, awake, and let’s see what we can do along this line. We should divide our work and have some gentle and spiritual exercise as well as physical; then it will all be easier, and we will be more prosperous, happier and better.

–Country Girl

WE HANDLE Celebrated American Beauty Flour. Also keep home rendered lard. In fact, we keep the best grade of goods we can buy. When in need of Dry Goods or Groceries Give us a Call. Always glad to have you come around.

Martin & Tolbert

East Main Street

Lipan, Texas


New Discovery

Over 30,000 bottles sold in the past 90 days. It is pleasant to take. It cures chills, swamp fever and malarial fever. It is sold by W. B. Byrd on an absolute guarantee to cure or money refunded. Price 50¢ per bottle.


The U.S. Mail arrives every day except Sunday at 12:30 P.M. and departs at 2 P.M.

Missionary Baptist Meets every first Sunday. Sunday School at 10 A.M.

Christian Meets every third Sunday. Sunday School at 10 A.M.

Methodist Meets every fourth Sunday. Sunday School at 10 A.M.

A.F. & A.M. Meets on Saturday night before the full moon in each month.

Eastern Star Meets on Saturday at 2 P.M. before full moon in each month.

W.O.W. Meets every second and fourth Friday at 8 P.M.

I.O.O.F. Meets every first and third Saturday at 7:30 P.M.

Brass Band Meets every Saturday at 8:30 P.M.

Tolar Lumber Company

Manufacturers and Retailers

YES: We are still Lumbering along

Lumber that is our business

Tolar Lumber Co., Tolar Texas

Take the Register

S.M. Cochran, Union Ark., a prominent business many, says “I think Re-Go just fine.” Our readers will understand that this statement refers to Re-Go Tonic Laxative Syrup, the most popular medicine in use for the cure of constipation, biliousness, indigestion, and dyspepsia; 25¢, 50¢, and $1 bottles sold by Byrd.

Wednesday, July 11, at 6:30 P.M., Prof. W.O. Wright of Stephenville, will wed Miss Harper Ethel Dennis of Lipan, at the residence of her father, J.E. Dennis. The Appeal extends congratulations in advance of the happy event, and predicts that Prof. Wright will make a good Benedict as he has proved himself a worthy single man.

–Stephenville Appeal

Transcribed by James T. (Tim) Sears, Lipan Historian, December 28, 2000