Texian Who’s Who, A Biographical Dictionary of the State of Texas,
The Texian Company, Dallas: 1937
County judge; b. Blount Co., Ala., June 16, 1867; s. Samuel Levert and Nancy Ann (Smith) Tarrant; ed. Granbury Coll., 1890-93; Sam Houston Normal, 1894-95; m. 1st Lula Donathan, Oct. 20, 1895; children: Lucile, Lecil, Lizzie, Truett, Willard; m. 2nd, Mrs. Maud Byrns, Feb. 7, 1929. Pub. schs. tchr., Hood Co., 1893-1900; co. clk., Hood Co., 1900-04; tchr., farmer, 1904-18; co. judge, ex-officio co. supt. sch., 1918-22; city clk., treas., police judge, City of Borger, Hutchinson Co., 1926-28; apptd. justice of peace, by Com. Ct. when Hutchinson Co. placed under martial law by Gov. Dan Moody, 1928-31; lived in Amarillo, 1931-32; co. judge and ex-officio co. supt. sch., Hood Co., since 1934. Former chmn. bd. of trustees, Granbury, Hood Co., Ind. Sch. Dist.; former mem., Hood-Erath Tchrs. Assn.; treas. summer normal sch., held in Granbury by S.M.N. Marrs in 1898. Hobbies: gardening, cats, early rising. Motto: “When you come to the end of the string, tie a knot and hang on.” Contbr. to farm jours. Baptist (deacon, treas., Granbury Ch.). Prohibition Democrat. (mem. Hood Co. Exec. Comm.). Address: P.O. Box 40, Granbury, tells. 30, 73.
George Tarrent (note spelling) passed away August 10, 1953.He was buried in Acton Cemetery in Hood County, Texas. |