From the O. B. Powell Newspaper Collection
Contributed by James Barrett
NOTE: Election Proclamation – This is a clipping from the Newspaper Collection of O.B. Powell. It contains three dates, August 11, 1886 and August 13, 1886, both of which would have been before the paper was published, and September 18, 1886, which would have been after the publication date. August 14, 1886 would be the first Saturday after the order was issued. If the order had to be published a month before the election this may have been the publication date.
The Election Proclamation states that it is to be published in the Granbury Graphic, thus I assume that is where the clipping is from. The clipping has been folded and was falling apart along the fold. I have guessed at some of the text which I’ll put in ( )’s.
Election Proclamation – Whereas, the Honorable Commissioners’ Court of Hood County, Texas, at a regular term thereof, on the 11th day of August, A.D. 1886, upon the petition of twenty freeholders, qualified voters and citizens, residing in the subdivision of Hood County hereinafter described, ordered an election to be held on the 18th day of September, 1886, to enable the freeholders residing upon said subdivision to determine whether sheep, hogs and goats shall be permitted to run at large within said subdivision, which subdivision is described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at the N.E. corner of the William Conklin survey; thence E. with north boundary line of the Reuben Towers survey to his N.E. corner; thence N. with the west boundary line of W.G.W. Powell’s survey to the N.W. cor. of the same; thence E. with north boundary line of the W.G.W. Powell and C. Powell surveys and to the T.W. Arrington S.W. corner; thence in a S. direction to and across the west T.W. Bundick survey to the N.W. corner of a survey made for McKinney & Williams; thence S. 30 deg. E. to the S.W. corner of west J. Shaw survey; thence east with the north boundary line of the east Wm. Harper survey to the N.E. corner of same; thence to the S.E. corner of same; thence west with the north boundary line of F.C. Cattonet survey to the N.W. corner of same; thence south with west line of said survey to S.W. cor. of same; thence west with north (bound)ary of R. Disney (survey and the north boundary of the ) R. Carey survey; thence N. to S.W. corner of Wm. Harper survey; thence with the west boundary line of said survey to its N.W. corner; thence in a northerly direction across the R. Perry survey to S.E. corner of Wm. Conklin survey; thence with the east boundary line of said survey to place of beginning.
Now, therefore, I, H.T. Berry, County Judge of Hood County, Texas, do hereby order an election to be held at the Aston School house, in said described subdivision, the only voting place within the boundary of the above-described subdivision of Hood County, Texas, on the 18th day of September, 1886, to enable the freeholders of said above-described subdivision of Hood County to determine whether sheep, hogs and goats shall run at large within the above described boundary.
And it is ordered that this Notice be published for thirty days before said election in The Granbury Graphic, a newspaper published in Hood County, Texas. And it is further ordered that R.J. Powell, J.N. Meredith and John S. Aston be, and they are hereby, appointed managers of said election.
Witness my hand and the seal of the County Court of Hood County, this August 13, 1886. H.T. Berry, County Judge, Hood Co., Tex.
NOTE from James Barrett: I have marked off the boundaries of the subdivision on a copy of the Hood Co. – General Land Office map dated 1893 and find that the land was just south of the present location of the railroad underpass east of Tolar on US 377 and ran south to near the north end of Squaw Creek Reservoir. The west limit would be near FM 56, and the east limit would be near Brushy on FM 51. C. Powell and R.J. Powell, named above, were sons of W.G.W. Powell, also named above. O.B. Powell was a grandson of W.G.W. Powell.